Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It continually pisses B"ZAYON off when people refer to Israel's actions as genocide. Are these people simpletons, or rabid antisemites? Perhaps they have just been brainwashed. However you wanna spin it, Israel is in no way even approaching genocidal behavior. One reason that was pointed out is that if Israel REALLY wanted to kill all these Philistines, why isn't it doing a better job? 1000 killed is a lot of people, some of which are undoubtedly innocents. However, at least 75% of those killed were Hamas terrorists. If we are attempting genocide, we are the worst at genocide ever. Secondly, Israel is compiling a list of those killed. Clearly this is Israel's attempt to remove all of the gross speculation which plagues reports on the death toll, and to show exactly who was killed by Israeli soldiers. Thirdly, who do you trust more- the (for better or for worse) semi-secular, democratic, liberal country of Israel or the fascistic, radical Islamic, terrorist group that is Hamas? But of course, antisemitism is by definition irrational, so FACTS will continue to be irrelevant in the minds of so much of the world. Peace and Enlightenment be upon whoever is reading this.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Most of youse who are unfortunate enough that you pay attention to the news will know that the United States of Jahmerica have a new president. We at B"ZAYON feel the need to remind the world that even when the new president isn't a semi-messianic figure, all government is a form of idolatry, because it accords a human institution respect that only God deserves. See this article for some excellent (but slightly Jesusian) elaboration.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There is Truth Everywhere

A quote from the Jewish Italian libertarian-socialist-antifascist Carlo Rosselli has been inspirational lately:
[The prophets] are no longer disarmed. And the descendants of the prophets, with rifle in hand, have acquired a new consciousness.
Take that as you will, and may whatever you learn from that quote be dedicated to the TRUE Freedom Fighters- the Israel Defense Forces who are fighting to protect freedom from fascism of the Islamic variety.

Stand and Be Counted!