Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Things are heating up...

... which will hopefully melt "the freeze". Read more here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Blow for Rabbinic Judaism

This shows that, finally, the Jewish Establishment is taking steps against the post-mortem messianists who incorrectly present themselves as normative Jews. Hopefully this will contribute to the demise of "Jews" for the Jésus and the reformation of Chabad against their messianic trend.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Truth, The Demographic Truth, and Nothing but The Truth

This excellent article presents the figures showing how the Jewish majority is stable. We at B"ZAYON believe that it is possible for Israel to be both democratic and Jewish, and these numbers support our claim. May the day soon arise when we are able to debate whether Israel can be both anarchic and Jewish.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If you forgot we were anarchists...

Some nice, funny anarchist thought for your consideration. A very happy Feast of Tabernacles to all- remember to do the palm frond-citron-myrtle-willow thing!

Must it be said again?

An excellent article explaining a prime example of this classic Simpsons line:
Homer: Homer Simpson does not lie twice on the same form. He never has and he never will.
Marge: You lied dozens of times on our mortgage application.
Homer: Yeah, but they were all part of a single ball of lies.
The depiction of Israel as a cruel occupier, and Judea and Samaria as a "Palestine" that must be "liberated" are truly a ball of lies. They are a practical joke played on Western Civilization and its deification of the underdog by fascists disguised as freedom fighters.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wake Up!!!

Today, Yom Kippur, an account of the service in the Temple was read, and we remember the "good old days" when we had a Kohen Gadol (High Priest) to represent the Jewish people before God (not an authoritarian figure- a spiritual one!). After that, we read an account of The Ten Martyrs murdered by the Romans for their cultural conservationism. This serves to awaken us and remind us that our holiest site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is still not safe for Jews. This news brings the matter to the fore. May this coming year bring redemption and truth.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Good Inscribement to All

May the coming Yom Hakippurim be a time of introspection for us all. On a totally different note, this one goes out to all our Lubavitcher readers (By the way, B"ZAYON condemns messianist heresies).

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

We at B"ZAYON don't think we can add anything novel to the commemoration of the horrific events of 9/11/01 perpetrated by radical Islamic terrorists, except to acknowledge it on this blog. May we be blessed with peace.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fascists, Fundamentalists, and Anarcho-Zionism

Our readers are probably aware of the support given to Israel by many far-right groups. The picture above demonstrates the support given to Israel by groups like the English Defence League, a group that stages anti-Islamic protests and is quite possibly pseudo-fascist, although they are certainly extreme nationalists. They also seem to be anti-Semitic, as per the previous link. There are also the "Christian Zionists", who support Israel on a religious basis. B"ZAYON's relationship to these groups ideologically must be based on two facts- the reasons these groups support Israel, and whether their beliefs are compatible with ours. A group like the EDL, well known for it's anti-Islamic stance, may only support Israel as a form of attack against the Islamic world. The Christian Zionists support Israel due to their messianic, millenarian belief that an autonomous Jewish state will hasten the arrival of their messiah-god. At B"ZAYON, we believe that the state of Israel does and should have a positive existence- existence for it's own sake and not to just fight Islam or for some other goal. Furthermore, we are not by any stretch of the imagination Christian. However, some would argue, we have to take all the help we can get in the fight for Israel's survival. Not so, we say; if we compromise our most basic beliefs, then the existence of a Jewish state will be for nought. We can not, under any circumstances, compromise with fascists and bigots, because associations with enemies of liberty and equality are untenable to the Anarcho-Zionist. Hatred of moderate Islam and Muslims is unintellectual, xenophobic, and shortsighted. Opposition to radical Islam is a necessity- but we should not make blanket statements. Perhaps there is room for alliance with the Christian Zionists, as they are not inherently a threat to our belief system, so long as there is no proselytism. But we shouldn't repeat the mistakes of Lehi, the Freedom Fighters of Israel, who dirtied themselves by attempting to bargain with Nazi Germany. Lehi were not fascists, but in some ways they are guilty by association. Let us retain our beliefs, even in the face of tempting temporary support.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jabotinsky- An Anarchist?

Starting tonight is the deathday of Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the 29th of Tammuz . Jabo was and is often accused by the Left of being a fascist, and "enemy of labor". Here is an excellent defense against these distortions. Not to compare ourselves to Rosh Beitar, but we too have been labelled
a disgrace to ethical religious and secular Jews. They are no anarchists.
If Emma Goldman was alive today she would spit in their faces and denounce them as fascists.
By cheerleading the slaughter of our Palestinian brethren in Gaza, BYAZON shows their true colors as cheerleaders for a genocidal State. They are Kahanists. Look at their reading list. They are also sadists, as evidenced by their joy at the extrajudicial executions carried out by Israel. (Typos left in to emphasize idiocy of Mr. Levine)
by Mr. CJ Levine, who claims to be an anarchist. Well, sir, we are anarchists- not leftists of your variety but Zionists and Anarchists for whom, like Mr. Sam Dreen says
There's no conflict between the two [Zionism and Anarchism]. In fact my Zionism is my Anarchism. (As quoted in Anarchist Voices- a very worthy read!).
But back to the point- Jabo. Jabo was a genius, a masterful orator, writer, and translator. He was an anti-authoritarian individualist as well as the most significant Zionist after Herzl.
In the beginning, God created the individual. Every individual is a king equal to his fellow. It is preferable that the individual sin against the society than the society sin against the individual. Society was created for the good for individuals, not the opposite. The messianic vision is one of a paradise for the individual, a glorious anarchic kingdom, a contest between personal abilities ‘society’ has no rule but to help those who have fallen... [Jabotinsky, V. in "My Story," 1936 in Autobiography (Hebrew), p. 38]

A revolution is what I call a liberating uprising but there is no liberation except in freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. There is no liberation without the right of every citizen to influence, to change the regime; no liberation without equality of rights for every citizen regardless of race, religion and class.

My outlook is in essence the negation of the totalistic state. The state system that is the most normal and healthy as well as the most pleasant is the “minimal state.” That state acts only in case of real necessity. There is no basis for limiting the right of self-expression in the area of ideas.

My “yes” does not prevent you from declaring “no.” Of course, there is a need for extra flexibility. In times of war and crisis (economic as well as political), there might arise the need to expand the scope of what is to be considered the minimum. The instinctive ideal of man is a serene anarchy. As long as this ideal cannot be realized, democracy must be recognized as the form closes to the ideal.

An individual - this is the supreme concept, the highest value, that which was created “in the image of God”. The doctrine of communo-fascism states that man is part of state societal mechanism. Our tradition has it that in the beginning, God created the individual. Man is intended to be free. Democracy’s meaning is freedom and the goal of democracy is to insure the influence of the minority. [Jabotinsky, V., Introduction to the Theory of Economy - Part Two, 1934, in Nation and Society (Hebrew), p. 218-219]

Jabo wasn't an anarchist- he thought there was a need for (minimal) state power. He was similar to what today in the USA is known as a "libertarian". But although he didn't wholeheartedly accept Anarchist theory, he held it as the ideal, and learned from many of the great Anarchist theorists. May Jabo's yahrzeit be a day of contemplation for us all as we approach that mournful anniversary in our year- Tisha B'Av, when Jewish autonomy in Israel was destroyed.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

We at B"ZAYON wish y'all a very merry 4th of July, and recommend that for a taste of real Americana you check out Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music, a great bunch of records if ever there were some...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The New Guards

These courageous Israelis are a wonderful example of love for our land. They aren't attacking our Arab neighbors, Jah forbid, but they are defending themselves and their properties. Kol Hakavod!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baruch Dayan Emet

Jo Amar, one of the true greats of all Jewish music, passed away this Friday. May his memory and music foster greater Sephardic Pride among all Jews. His music may be enjoyed in the video posted at the bottom of the previous link, and in this video. Blessed is the True Judge.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Root of the Struggle

Let me use the most simple words - the root of the struggle is the refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. The initial Arab refusal was to a Jewish state in any location, before Israeli presence in the West Bank.
Bibi Netanyahu has finally spoken the truth. This conflict has never been about land, it is about whether or not a state of dhimmis can be allowed to exist by Islam in the heart of their world.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Surreal but entertaining

This video of an Air France tour of Israel is weird, but beautiful. "Where once there was only sand...". A few inaccuracies, but still worth watching for a view of when Israel was still considered the underdog.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hasidische Bob

Those guys are really wise. I tell you, I've heard gurus and yogis and philosophers and politicians and doctors and lawyers, teachers of all kinds... and these rabbis really had something going.
-Bob Dylan on rabbis
Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews, is indeed essential reading. If you have it, check out page 186 for Bob and the Magid of Mezritch.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How do you say "Vos Iz Neias" in Judeo-Arabic?

This article on the ever-entertaining Vos Iz Neias points out one of those historical facts that most people find it easier to ignore. Chazak U'Baruch to the Mizrahi wing of Judaism!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"When the Jews come, they ask for permission"

A Hamas terrorist's mother likes us more than the PA. That kind of news gives us hope. Perhaps we should institute a matriarchy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Pre-Sabbath Insight

In the 16 years since the Oslo accords turned the West Bank and Gaza over to the Palestinians, their leaders built no roads, no courthouses, no hospitals, none of the fundamental state institutions that would relieve their people’s suffering. Instead they poured everything into an infrastructure of war and terror, all the while depositing billions (from gullible Western donors) into their Swiss bank accounts.

Obama says he came to Cairo to tell the truth. But he uttered not a word of that. Instead, among all the bromides and lofty sentiments, he issued but one concrete declaration of new American policy: “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements,” thus reinforcing the myth that Palestinian misery and statelessness are the fault of Israel and the settlements.

Blaming Israel and picking a fight over “natural growth” may curry favor with the Muslim “street.” But it will only induce the Arab states to do like Abbas: sit and wait for America to deliver Israel on a platter. Which makes the Obama strategy not just dishonorable but self-defeating.

- Charles Krauthammer, in this article. Thanks to Little Green Footballs for the link.

A peaceful sabbath to all!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

JDL Revisited

Dylan talks about Kahane and Yiddishkeit, from the '70's. This article in Time is slightly incorrect- A.J. Weberman is NOT Dylan's friend, he is a stalker who went through His Bobness' trash, but that probably means he knew what Bob was into. Anyway, this is interesting, even if you aren't a Dylanologist like many of us at B"ZAYON.

Kol Shmuel 2

Recently, in honor of the festival of Pentecost, a second issue of the Kol Shmuel was released. Those wishing to receive a copy, virtual or physical, should email
It is chock full of B"ZAYON goodness, like the previous issue, which may also be obtained through emailing us at P.S. Anyone who finds the typo in this picture is eligible to receive additional B"ZAYON propaganda if they so desire- again, just email us!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Say what you will about the tenents of National Socialism... least the Pope had the good sense to walk out on an antisemitic diatribe. A happy Lag B'Omer to all- let's get those bonfires burning!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Machiavelli!

In honor of Niccolo Machiavelli's 540th birthday, we at B"ZAYON will share an article on Machiavelli and Samuelism (Judeo-Anarchism):

At first glance there would seem to be no possible lesson that Samuelism could learn from Niccolo Machiavelli, one of the most maligned, but ingenious, political theorists in history. Machiavelli, in his classic book “The Prince”, provided instructions for effective governance, based on the premise that in order to rule a society, a “prince”, as he put it, would necessarily have to act immorally. Although this position has earned him a position of notoriety throughout history (the adjective Machiavellian is synonymous with deceit and trickery), Samuelians may find that adopting Machiavelli’s opinion can actually bolster their ideals. If, as “The Prince” proposed, authority and morality can not coexist, Samuelians can take draw a different conclusion than Machiavelli and declare that not ethics, but rather government must be done away with! The truism that “The truth can be found everywhere” remains true even with regards to the prototypical “evil genius” that Machiavelli is conflated with.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Must Read Article

This article explains what so many have forgotten- there IS a "Falestinian State"- it is called Jordan. History, it seems, has been deemed irrelevant by much of the Left.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Durban II Circus

The French aren't as bad as everyone thought! Kudos to those brave souls who walked out on Ahmedinnerjacket, and merci to our French Clownheaded friend, for being an example par excellence of the battle between humor and hatred.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Note on Return from the REAL Israel.

For those of us who pay close attention to the news about the land of Israel, it is easy to forget that it isn't all maniacs in tractors and rockets. It is a vibrant land, and as one Samuelian recently returned into exile in Boston from his homeland, we recommend all Jews to get in touch with their home. And that doesn't just mean going to "Stand with Israel Day" at your local JCC. It means, if living there is impractical, at least exploring and visiting the REAL Israel. This is the Israel found in Shuk Mahaneh Yehudah, up north in the only-recently privatized kibbutzim, in walking down the street on Shabbat and seeing brothers dancing in the streets. In the streams, and in the hills, in the abandoned bunkers along the border, in the falafel shops. And, of course, in the ever-present graffiti that declares to one and all that Israel lives.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Strings of Freedom"

An Arab teen orchestra recently played a concert for Holocaust survivors (Jewish, obviously), and were forced to disband by the "Palestinian Authority" (two one-word lies wrapped in a two-word lie...) This incident shows us two things- first, that there are some groups who are actually trying to build connections between Jews and Arabs, and they should be commended. Secondly, the very group which is considered to be moderate, and with whom Israel is negotiating, is truly radical and anti-Semitic. Fatah is just Hamas in sheep's clothing. May we all be blessed to someday hear Arab songs instead of Arab shooting.
Links to this article:
Arutz Sheva
Vos Iz Neias

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bob is Back (But He Was Never Gone)

Dylan, who is coming out with a new album on April 28th, has this to say in his new interview:
What's your take on politics?
Politics is entertainment. It's a sport. It's for the well groomed and well heeled. The impeccably dressed. Party animals. Politicians are interchangeable.
Don't you believe in the democratic process?
Yeah, but what's that got to do with politics? Politics creates more problems than it solves. It can be counter-productive. The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

R' Adin Steinsaltz on Purim

R' Steinsaltz has formulated beautifully a fact that is essential to understanding antisemitism:
As anti-Semitism is irrational in essence, we may be able to defend ourselves against it, but we have no way of uprooting it. Jewish attempts in the last hundreds of years to resolve the problem using opposite means – extreme assimilation on the one hand, and the establishment of an independent state on the other hand – did not resolve the problem, but rather, merely changed or diverted it to other avenues.
His whole article on Purim and antisemitism can be found here.
R' Steinsaltz teaches us that
Amalek’s seed is still in the world, and it flourishes even in our cosmopolitan and enlightened era.
We can fight Amalek by doing two things, both learned from Purim: We can fight, and we can laugh. We can even do both at the same time, because when we laugh we say "Jah controls everything, what are we worrying about?". This is the meaning of a lottery, a pur, because a lottery isn't random. It is divinely controlled, without any human interference. We submit to Jah's will. That too is why we drink- we acknowledge that no matter how rational we think ourselves to be, God is still running the show, so truly a drunk man is as sober as a sober man.
May this Purim make us all drunk with God, whether we are drunk with alchohol or not.

Friday, March 6, 2009

We need a Purim, and we are going to get it!

Money is being thrown at the Ancient Palestinian people, much of which will undoubtedly go towards murdering Jews. Ehud Olmert, of the hit Comedy Central TV show "The Olmert Report", also known as "The Israeli Government", thinks that to reach peace, we should divide Jerusalem again, because it worked out so well before 1967... Ahmedinajad, today's Haman, may soon have nuclear weapons. There has never been a more opportune for Purim.

On Purim we can say that "Blessed is Haman", and "Cursed is Mordechai". We realize that everything is in the hands of Jah, so we should stop worrying, have something to drink, and, if necessary, go and kill those who want to destroy us (just don't loot). May we remember on this Parshat Zachor to erase the name of Amalek, because only by remembering can we truly forget.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. --Plato

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Saint Simon of Oslo

Peres, the Prince of Peace, has admitted that he was wrong about withdrawing from Gaza. Perhaps the Messiah is even closer than anticipated. May we all soon merit to rejoice on Mount Zion in the Third Temple, whatever that turns out to be.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Even a Loss is sometimes a Victory

Although it looks like Kadima has won the most seats in Knesset, Likud and the right may very well be able to form a coalition government. An important lesson- you can lose and still win, sort of like Olmert resigning but not leaving office.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

Tonight and tomorrow we celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the 15th day of the month of Shevat, the New Year for the Trees. Some musings follow:

B"ZAYON is a ecological movement, in that it believes that we must respect all of Jah's creations.

Maimonides taught that one powerful way to experience the presence of God is through nature, so may we all take this Tu B'Shevat as an opportunity to add a little God into our lives.

Of course, Tu B'Shevat is also a time to connect with our land, the Land of Israel, as it is customary to eat of the 7 species of Israel on Tu B'Shevat.

This holiday can help us to reprioritize environmentally, spiritually, and nationally.

May the new year for the trees also bring a new beginning for the Earth and the people of the Earth, and see the abolishment of the government which torments them both.

And, last but not least, may the land of Israel be instilled with new life on all planes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Walking With Blood on Our Tracks

His Bobness is a continual inspiration to B"ZAYON. He is, parenthetically, visiting the Holy Land this summer, and that makes B"ZAYON wish our B stood for Be'er Sheva instead of Boston. Anyway, the following quote elucidates the "Idiot Wind" blowing around the world right now with regards to Zion.
People see me all the time and they just can't remember how to act
Their minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts.
May Quinn the Eskimo, A.K.A. "The Messiah", come quickly and in our days...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It continually pisses B"ZAYON off when people refer to Israel's actions as genocide. Are these people simpletons, or rabid antisemites? Perhaps they have just been brainwashed. However you wanna spin it, Israel is in no way even approaching genocidal behavior. One reason that was pointed out is that if Israel REALLY wanted to kill all these Philistines, why isn't it doing a better job? 1000 killed is a lot of people, some of which are undoubtedly innocents. However, at least 75% of those killed were Hamas terrorists. If we are attempting genocide, we are the worst at genocide ever. Secondly, Israel is compiling a list of those killed. Clearly this is Israel's attempt to remove all of the gross speculation which plagues reports on the death toll, and to show exactly who was killed by Israeli soldiers. Thirdly, who do you trust more- the (for better or for worse) semi-secular, democratic, liberal country of Israel or the fascistic, radical Islamic, terrorist group that is Hamas? But of course, antisemitism is by definition irrational, so FACTS will continue to be irrelevant in the minds of so much of the world. Peace and Enlightenment be upon whoever is reading this.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Most of youse who are unfortunate enough that you pay attention to the news will know that the United States of Jahmerica have a new president. We at B"ZAYON feel the need to remind the world that even when the new president isn't a semi-messianic figure, all government is a form of idolatry, because it accords a human institution respect that only God deserves. See this article for some excellent (but slightly Jesusian) elaboration.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

There is Truth Everywhere

A quote from the Jewish Italian libertarian-socialist-antifascist Carlo Rosselli has been inspirational lately:
[The prophets] are no longer disarmed. And the descendants of the prophets, with rifle in hand, have acquired a new consciousness.
Take that as you will, and may whatever you learn from that quote be dedicated to the TRUE Freedom Fighters- the Israel Defense Forces who are fighting to protect freedom from fascism of the Islamic variety.

Stand and Be Counted!