Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Purim!

As we are taught by the מדרש משלי in פרשה ט, in the Messianic Age all the festivals will disappear, except for Purim (and Yom Kippur). The Talner Rebbe, Rabbi Isadore Twersky, זי''ע, taught at his Purim Se'udah in 1996, after a series of bus bombings in Israel, that as Purim will remain with the Jewish people forever, and I quote,
"So Purim is linked to the eternity of the Jewish People - which defies rational explanation, but belief in which is bolstered by empirical evidence. We are now in an עת צרה ; we have to use the energy of שמחת פורים to overcome the threat and to demonstrate once again:
שכל קוויך לא יבושו ולא יכלמו לנצח כל החוסים בך
"--ע''כ דברי אדמו''ר זי''ע
May the זכות of אדמו''ר, the Talner Rebbe, help us reach the final redemption and aid us in achieving the destruction of Amalek.


DaBomb said...

UMINE!!!(amen in weird language)
Let us rejoice when all around us is happy, and even more so, we should rejoice when all aroung us is black.

Anonymous said...


Just as the Jew's in Mordichai and Ester's generation merited to kill all their enimies in Paras and Madai, so too may we merit to kill all of the terrorists who hate us, from America to Gaza to Iran and beyond. Chag Purim Sameiach!

Stand and Be Counted!