Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Motor-Psycho Nightmare

A 30 year old father of two from "east" Jerusalem murdered at least 3 people and injured dozens of innocent Jews today, when he hijacked a bulldozer and rammed buses and cars along a busy Jerusalem street. It would be hard to conceive of so mundane a representative of the general Arab population in Israel than a "30 year old father of two". The villains who attack innocent Jews are not all hot-headed young men, as some might want you to believe. This attack shows how violence against Jews is not an ideal constrained to a small but vocal portion of Ishmaelite society. There are terroristic tendencies throughout Arab society, and we had better learn that our enemies are by far the majority.
Our leaders should start re-reading their Jabotinsky, not their "Peace, not Apartheid".


DaBomb said...

What's all this stuff with aparthied???

5thBeliever said...

That is Jimmy Carter's book 'bout the Holy Land.

Stand and Be Counted!