Saturday, October 25, 2008

Better late than never...

We didn't have time to share this torah before Shabbos, but we will share it now- this comes from the Me'eil Shmuel (Coat of Samuel), one of the only anarchist commentaries on the holy Bible.

The heilege Me'eil Shmuel brings our attention to the bizarre passage in Genesis 6 (this/last week's parsha, Bereshit) in which the "Sons of God" get really into the "daughters of man". Unlike all the wackos who read these verses as referring to aliens, or "fallen angels", the Ibn Ezra reads it as referring to the "sons of the judges" i.e. the power structure - Leviathan. The Me'eil Shmuel teaches us that these verses show us the first instances of abuse of power - and that they quickly creep into any power structure. A good week to all, and may Jah's blessings be upon you.

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