Sunday, December 28, 2008


Just as the German people voted for Hitler, the Arabs of Gaza voted for Hamas, and just like the Germans, the Arabs must bear the consequences... We don't celebrate the death of those who may not have voted for Hamas, but we applaud Israel for finally taking the necessary steps against the Arab aggressors.


DaBomb said...


CJL said...

Your organization is obscene. You are doing a great disgrace to the thousands of Jewish anarchists, who have fought against the kinds of racist, oppressive, colonial regimes exemplified by Israel today. Not that you would care about Jewish history, but Jewish anarchists have fought against the Rabbinate and the would be Statists. Read Israel Shahak.

You aren't anarchists. Anarchists are opposed to colonialism, religious bigotry & fundamentalism, militarism, and ethno-supremacist States. Anarchists are opposed to all States, including Israel.

If Emma Goldman was alive today she would spit in your face and denounce you as fascists.

By cheerleading the slaughter of our Palestinian brethren in Gaza, you show your colors as cheerleaders for a genocidal State. Be honest - drop "anarchist" from your name and insert Kahanist.

a proud Jewish anarchist against Zionism and the nightmares it has created for Palestinians and Jews,

CJ Levine

Anonymous said...

It is only a foolish "anarchist" who makes no distinction between different forms of states. Although we disapprove of all states, we distinguish between the fascistic, violent Arab states in the Middle East and the semi-enlightened democracy of Israel. Furthermore, I am extremely tired of Israel being called "colonial". The Zionist movement was founded as a anti-colonialist movement, fighting against the British colonialists and imperialists for their ancient homeland of Israel. The Arabs are the colonialists, as they attempt to destroy any non-Arabic nation in their line of fire. Learn some HISTORY!!!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Bzayon,

Right on! Time to send CJ to reeducation camp. Maybe his soviet friends have some left over huts in Cuba. Or maybe in PFLP has some room in Syria.
CJ- where do you live, we have some info to deliver.


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