Monday, June 15, 2009

The Root of the Struggle

Let me use the most simple words - the root of the struggle is the refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. The initial Arab refusal was to a Jewish state in any location, before Israeli presence in the West Bank.
Bibi Netanyahu has finally spoken the truth. This conflict has never been about land, it is about whether or not a state of dhimmis can be allowed to exist by Islam in the heart of their world.


Mikey "Geri-Lu-biscut" Lansky said...

Great work BZAYON!
Let us all hope that our current world leaders- with the help of Hashem- will be able to deal this dangerous and formidible enemy, and the ocnflict which they instigate.
BZAYON has vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.
Chazak Viematz!

Mikey "Geri-Lu-biscut" Lansky said...

*Deal as in "deal with"- by whatever means neccessary

Stand and Be Counted!