Friday, January 1, 2010

What a New Year!

Several things have come up this January first. A delegation from B"ZAYON visited the First Night celebrations in Boston, and were unpleasantly surprised to see the anti-Jews marching in force. Among their ranks were, of course, skinheads, and signs spouting such equality loving and balanced slogans such as "Viva Ahmedinejad" and "America stop helping the Jew(ish State)". They are being less and less successful in hiding their antisemitism, and we can only hope that this wakes people up. There was a similar march in San Francisco, which was countered by ZFA, among others. Right on!
There were also reports of settler violence, which we at B"ZAYON condemn. It has always been our belief, and always will be, that we Jews should not act like our enemies. This doesn't mean we don't resist, it just means that attacking random civilians is objectively wrong. May we all have a very new year, in which we witness full redemption.

1 comment:

Holden Caulfield/ David Sinai/ Benyac/ Michael King, והמבין יבין said...

It should be noted that B"ZAYON! has also begun a campaign to counteract inaccurate news reports in one of the largest news media in the Boston area schools. The so called “occupied West Bank” is truly “Judea and Samaria,” the heartland of Biblical and halachic Israel. B”ZAYON! implores all its readers to correct mentions of “occupation” or the “West Bank” in the future on any subsequent news reports in said institutions of (re-)education, והמבין יבין.

Stand and Be Counted!