Saturday, April 17, 2010

Palestine Post

Relive the time when Israel was Palestine in the days before Yom Ha'Atzmaut:

Of course, this shows how Arab terrorism didn't originate with any so-called "Occupation".


Unknown said...

No, it did not start at 1948... It did not start at 1936-9 when the Zionists para-military helped the UK colonialists to suppress the Palestinians uprising. It started much earlier when peasants had their land taken after being "bought" from absentee land lords feodals.

Anonymous said...

It is difficult to argue with your claim, because it is virtually incomprehensible. Your horrific writing makes it clear that whatever point you may have actually had will, and should, be ignored. We can only hope and pray that English is not your native language. Perhaps once you have learned basic communication skills, we will be able to debate something; at this point, that is simply impossible.

Stand and Be Counted!